If you need to correct the Barometric Pressure [a], you can modify this with setting adjustments in your Display Panel:
- Hold LIGHT/SNOOZE for three seconds
- The current air pressure offset will flash; use + and - to adjust accordingly
- Each multiple of 10 will change the barometric pressure reading by approximately 1hPa
- When the desired offset is showing, press LIGHT/SNOOZE to confirm
- The FORECAST icon for the selected rating will now flash; use + or - to cycle through the five forecast options: Sunny, Partly Cloudy, Cloudy, Rain, Storm
- When the desired FORECAST icon is showing, press LIGHT/SNOOZE to confirm
For example:
- According to the BarometerPlus app, the barometer reading for my location is 1017hPa
- The Display Panel was showing 1003hPa
- The difference is 14hPa
- I will need to increase my offset by 140 (14 x 10)
- On the Display Panel, the offset was showing as -160
- Using + I changed the offset to -20 (-160 + 140)
- Now the Barometric Pressure on my Display Panel and Holman Home app is showing as 1017hPa
Article verified: Helios, WS5095W, WS5095