Resetting the BX Tap Timers:
Before a hard reset, we recommend that the timer is removed from the iGardener app – use the ‘bin’ icon at the top of the page to remove the highlighted tap timer prior to reset –
BX1 hard reset – remove battery compartment for 2min, press and hold button as you push the compartment back in, device will flash blue quickly, let go of button. Add timer back into iGardener.
BX2 or BX4 hard reset - remove the battery compartment for 2min. All programs are wiped from the timer and the device returns to factory default settings. Add timer back into iGardener.
Unlocking a BX2 or BX4 for another user:
Please note: Unlocking can also be used to restore a lost Bluetooth connection - refer to 'Accidental Unlock' instructions for this
Your BX2 and BX4 Tap Timers can be unlocked to allow another user to program the timer.
Please note: that the timer will not lose its programs when you do this - it will run your program until the new user sets a new program (or manual run time with update).
New user:
- Move dial to ‘OFF’, press and hold the button, watch for 3 quick red flashes, wait for 5-6 seconds for a 2nd set of red flashes, release the button.
- You can now add the timer into iGardener on the new device.
Original user:
- If the original user has iGardener open they will see a 'device reset' message
- If the original user does not have iGardener open, they will not get a device reset message, instead next time they go into iGardener and attempt to change something, they will see the message below:
- The original user can then decide if they want to regain control or leave the device with the new user.
Additional tips from your Holman Team:
Caution: More than one phone can appear to be ‘connected’ to a BX2/4 using the unlocking method given – however only the last phone to communicate is in charge (i.e last program sent is the one the BX will run).
- Multiple users can manually water this way too, providing only one user at a time is making a manual watering request.
- Your phone allows lots of BT connections, the BX Tap Timer is only capable of one connection at a time.
- All users may see a ‘green’ update box, but each time they do something the timer will prompt update, they will need to select ‘control’ from the pop-up message to then use the timer.
- No one will know what the other person has done – the timer cannot 'tell' the phone what it has in its memory (it’s a receiver not a broadcaster when it comes to programming).
- If a user sees this:
The 'whited out' update button – you are not in control, to do anything you need to open zone management and then update the timer. Until the update button is yellow or green, the timer is not connecting to your phone.
This can also happen with a very low battery (under 20%) on your phone, and updates will fail in this state.
Accidental Unlock:
If this is done by accident and you have kept the iGardener app in your phone, and the BX Tap Timer in your iGardener app; then you can regain your timer control by turning the dial to off and going through the unlock flash mode again - close the app, and when you open it again, you'll see you're prompted to 'update' in iGardener. The update button turns yellow, and the app advises 'Device Reset, Update Now'.
Your timer will flash blue to indicate the update, after the update your tap timer returns back to your control.
Caution: These actions rely on the iGardener app being left in the controlling phone, and the BX Tap Timer not being deleted.
Once the app has been removed from the phone and/or the BX Tap Timer is deleted, then it needs to be treated like a new device and added via the 'Add Device' button in iGardener.
After pairing the BX Tap Timer again, we recommend re-entering your program, and updating the BX tap timer.
Please note: Programs cannot be transferred from phone to phone - the device will store the last program it had updated until the battery runs flat, a new program is updated, or the BX Tap Timer is hard reset.
Article verified: CO3111, CO3112, CO3114, BX1, BX2, BX4