WX8 Irrigation Controller DST Advice
The WX8 internal clock does not adjust to daylight saving time automatically.
To ensure the WX8 waters Starts A, B & C at the correct time, simply open the WX8 user interface on the Holman Home app and it will synchronize the current phone time to the WX8.
Synchronizing the current phone time to the WX8 is done to ensure the WX8 will have the correct time even if its connection to the internet is down – it will run the scheduled Starts with no issue. It protects your watering times and your garden.
If your location uses daylight saving time then your irrigation controller may water one hour before or one hour after the time you have set the Starts to run.
Advice for All Other Devices
The following devices synchronise time using the Wi-Fi connection
- WX1 and WX2 Tap Timers (via the Wi-Fi Hub)
- KRX6 and KRX8 Irrigation Controllers
- Wi-Fi Socket (via the Wi-Fi Hub)
- RGB & WW Light Controllers
- Helios and Zephyr Weather Stations
Issues will occur if a Start, Timer or Alarm is scheduled during the Daylight Saving changeover.
When DST begins, 2am becomes 3am. So if a Start or Timer or Alarm is scheduled from 2am to 2.59am then this will be skipped on this day.
When DST ends, 3am becomes 2am. So if a Start or Timer or Alarm is scheduled from 2am to 2.59am then this will be run (or occur) twice on this day.
Note: Daylight saving time in Australia begins the first Sunday in October and ends on the first Sunday in April.
Article verified: WX1TH, WX2TH, WX1, WX2, WX8, KRX8, KRX6, Helios, WS5095W, Zephyr, WS5092W, WS5095, WS5092, CLXRGB60, CLXW60, WX2001