When you can see the word 'Budget' on your Irrigation Controller screen it means that a water budget has been set.
This is percentage of the timer you had set for each station, whether that's more or less than you have set (i.e 90% of a 10min run = 9min, 110% of a 10min run = 11min). A budget of 0% will mean the controller will not water.
You'll find instructions about your water budget (setting and changing) in your Irrigation Controller manual. This can also be called 'seasonal adjustment'.
Article verified: CO1306, Ezy One Mini, CO1318, CO1246, Dial Plus, CO4404, CO4406, Dial Ezy, CRS1554PR, CRS1556PR, Dial Ezy Gardener, Pro469, CRS3344, CRS3346, CRS3349, Ezy One X