Providing that you don’t have a Firewall or VPN active, your modem is using WPA2 security and broadcasting the 2.4gHz signal, then you should be able to connect in EZ mode.
However, when you’re unable to pair via EZ mode, AP offers an alternate connection method which our Wi-Fi devices all offer.
If you’ve made ‘many’ (let’s say more than 10) attempts at connection, then before you try anything else, please unplug your Wi-Fi device and give it 5-10min without power – it does need to be unplugged not just turned off.
(If it’s a WX8 you’ll need to also remove the 9V battery if you’ve already installed one)
Once you’ve given the device a break from power now it can be plugged back in, please follow the steps below:
Please note: If you’ve made less than 10 attempts at pairing, then select ‘switch pairing mode’ from the ‘Device failed to add’ screen – you can skip step 1 - 5 below and go straight into step 6:
1. Turn off your mobile data, ensuring your location is on and location permission has been allowed (minimum permission is ‘While using app’).
2. In Holman Home tap the add device button on screen or the green circle with the white '+' at the top right of the screen
3. Select from the menu on the left of the ‘Add Device’ screen and find your device icon – lighting icons are directly under the ‘Add Manually’ menu
4. Providing your location is on, and the location permission has been allowed (minimum is 'while using app'), then your network will pre-fill - simply enter your Wi-Fi password and hit next
**If you have 2 network names for your Wi-Fi, please use the icon to check your available networks and confirm you have the correct network prior to adding the password**
5. In the 'reset device' page, tap EZ at the top right and change to AP
6. Press the button on your device to change the flash mode - we want a nice slow flash, like a breathing pattern, equal parts on and off.
(In the Wi-Fi Hub, if you see a quick blink with a long pause – that’s incorrect – press the button again for 5 seconds to find the slow flash)
If you’ve been able to skip straight to this step, you’ll now be asked to re-enter your Wi-Fi password
7. Confirm the slow flash in Holman Home, tap the next button
8. Tap 'go to connect' and you'll be taken to either your Wi-Fi Network list (Android) or to your settings menu (iPhone) – for Apple users select Wi-Fi to see your available networks
9. Look for the network called Holman/Smartlife/WX and connect - when connected you will not have internet, this is correct - and part of the AP set up.
Android Users, you may see a message similar to the one below -
Please allow the connection to proceed in AP mode
10. Head back to the app, if you see a 'reconnect' button don't touch it - underneath in blue there should be a hyper link 'confirm hotspot connection' tap that to go to the countdown.
Allow the device to pair, once it has been successfully added, tap ‘done’ at the top right of the page to finish off the connection.
However, if you see a blue circle to the right of your device:
Please tap the blue circle to add the device - it will give you a success message after this has been tapped, then you can hit done to continue.
Your device will now be shown on the Holman Home home screen.
Article verified: WX1TH, WX2TH, WX1, WX2, WX8, KRX8, KRX6, CLXRGB60, CLXW60